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How to calculate CUET Score out of 800? CUET Score Made Simple

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

Updated On : July 24, 2024


Overview: Understand the intricate process of how to calculate CUET Score out of 800? and delve deep into concepts like normalization and interpolation to assess your performance accurately. 

The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) has carved its niche as a prestigious examination for students aiming to secure admission in India's premier institutions.

The NTA has recently announced exam dates for the CUET 2025 session and its time for candidates to get ready!  

With the score being calculated out of a total of 800, every mark counts.  

But how do you decipher your CUET score with accuracy? Let’s break down the process step-by-step on how to calculate CUET Score out of 800? 

Key Contents

  1. Step-by-step breakdown of how to calculate CUET score out of 800, including raw score calculation.
  2. Explanation of what normalization is and its purpose in CUET.
  3. Details on CUET normalization calculation and the formula used.
  4. Explanation of how interpolation is used to adjust normalized scores to the 800-point scale.
  5. Factors affecting CUET marks, including the number of test takers, paper difficulty, candidate performance, and the normalization process.

How to calculate CUET Score out of 800? 

Calculation of Raw Score 

Step 1: CUET UG answer key and the response sheet can be downloaded by logging into the official CUET UG portal. 

Step 2: Determine how many questions were attempted overall on the CUET exam in step two. 

Step 3: To calculate the total number of correct and incorrect answers, use the CUET answer key

Step 4: Use the marking scheme to determine the examination's raw score. 

That is - 

  • i. Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) 
  • ii. Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1). 

Step 5: To determine the raw score using the above marking scheme. 

Raw score can be determined by using the formula = (Number of correct answers x 5) - (Number of incorrect answers x 1) 

Check Out: CUET Marking Scheme

Learn more: How to calculate overall percentile in CUET

Calculation of Percentile Score 

What is normalization? 

Normalization is a process that is used to adjust scores on a test so that the marks can be compared to those of other students no matter what the scale or level of difficulty of the test is.  

In the case of CUET, normalization is used to make sure that students from across India are on the same playing field. 

CUET Normalization Calculation 

In the case of CUET, normalization is used to make sure that students from across India are on the same playing field.  

  • First, Raw Scores are converted into Percentile Scores using the formula below: 

Percentile score = Number of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than T score/ Total number of candidates appeared in the session 

Then, CUET percentiles are arranged: 

Each session's results would be prepared in the form of -  

  • Raw Scores  
  • Percentiles Scores of Total raw scores  

The formula below would be used to determine the percentiles for each candidate in the session.  

Percentile score of total raw score = Number of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than highest score/ Total number of candidates appeared in the session * 100 

Adjusted Score = (Normalized Score / Maximum Possible Score) x 800 

Calculate Normalized Score using Interpolation  

After normalization, scores might not be directly on the scale that the examination uses (in CUET's case, a scale of 800). Interpolation adjusts these normalized scores to fit them onto this scale, ensuring they accurately represent the candidate's performance relative to the highest possible score. 

  • The raw score of the student is compared to the raw scores of all other test takers to produce the CUET normalized score. 
  • This raw score's percentile value is followed by the computation of a comparable normalized score. 
  • To determine the normalized score, the percentile values must be interpolated. 
  • In other words, the percentile value for the student is decided by which percentile value is closest to the student's raw score when comparing the student's raw score to the percentile values of every other student. 

Find Out: CUET Preparation Books

Factors Affecting CUET Marks 

These are the affecting factors involved in CUET marks -  

Number of Test Takers: Number of candidates taking the exam will affect the percentile distribution.  

Difficulty Level of the Paper: A tougher paper might result in lower average marks, impacting percentiles.  

Performance of Candidates: A collective high performance by a significant number of candidates can influence individual percentiles too.  

Normalization Process: If the CUET is conducted in multiple slots or sessions, a normalization process will be used to ensure fairness in percentile computation across different sessions. 

Learn More: CUET New Exam Dates

Key Takeaways

  • CUET Significance: CUET is a prestigious examination for admission to top institutions in India, and knowing your score accurately is crucial.
  • Calculating Raw Score: Calculate your raw score by using the official CUET answer key, marking correct answers as +5 and incorrect ones as -1.
  • Normalization Process: Understand that normalization ensures fairness by comparing scores from different sessions, making it possible to compete on a level playing field.
  • Percentile Scores: Percentile scores help rank your performance relative to other candidates.
  • Interpolation: Interpolation adjusts your normalized score to fit the 800-point scale, reflecting your true performance.
  • Factors Affecting CUET Marks: Keep in mind that the number of test takers, paper difficulty, overall candidate performance, and the normalization process can all impact your CUET score.

Learn More: CUET 2025 Minimum Scores for to get Admission at BHU

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the purpose of normalization in CUET scoring?

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What is interpolation in CUET scoring?

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How to calculate CUET Score out of 800? CUET Score Made Simple

Author : Shashwat Srivastava

July 24, 2024


Overview: Understand the intricate process of how to calculate CUET Score out of 800? and delve deep into concepts like normalization and interpolation to assess your performance accurately. 

The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) has carved its niche as a prestigious examination for students aiming to secure admission in India's premier institutions.

The NTA has recently announced exam dates for the CUET 2025 session and its time for candidates to get ready!  

With the score being calculated out of a total of 800, every mark counts.  

But how do you decipher your CUET score with accuracy? Let’s break down the process step-by-step on how to calculate CUET Score out of 800? 

Key Contents

  1. Step-by-step breakdown of how to calculate CUET score out of 800, including raw score calculation.
  2. Explanation of what normalization is and its purpose in CUET.
  3. Details on CUET normalization calculation and the formula used.
  4. Explanation of how interpolation is used to adjust normalized scores to the 800-point scale.
  5. Factors affecting CUET marks, including the number of test takers, paper difficulty, candidate performance, and the normalization process.

How to calculate CUET Score out of 800? 

Calculation of Raw Score 

Step 1: CUET UG answer key and the response sheet can be downloaded by logging into the official CUET UG portal. 

Step 2: Determine how many questions were attempted overall on the CUET exam in step two. 

Step 3: To calculate the total number of correct and incorrect answers, use the CUET answer key

Step 4: Use the marking scheme to determine the examination's raw score. 

That is - 

  • i. Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) 
  • ii. Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1). 

Step 5: To determine the raw score using the above marking scheme. 

Raw score can be determined by using the formula = (Number of correct answers x 5) - (Number of incorrect answers x 1) 

Check Out: CUET Marking Scheme

Learn more: How to calculate overall percentile in CUET

Calculation of Percentile Score 

What is normalization? 

Normalization is a process that is used to adjust scores on a test so that the marks can be compared to those of other students no matter what the scale or level of difficulty of the test is.  

In the case of CUET, normalization is used to make sure that students from across India are on the same playing field. 

CUET Normalization Calculation 

In the case of CUET, normalization is used to make sure that students from across India are on the same playing field.  

  • First, Raw Scores are converted into Percentile Scores using the formula below: 

Percentile score = Number of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than T score/ Total number of candidates appeared in the session 

Then, CUET percentiles are arranged: 

Each session's results would be prepared in the form of -  

  • Raw Scores  
  • Percentiles Scores of Total raw scores  

The formula below would be used to determine the percentiles for each candidate in the session.  

Percentile score of total raw score = Number of candidates appeared from the session with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than highest score/ Total number of candidates appeared in the session * 100 

Adjusted Score = (Normalized Score / Maximum Possible Score) x 800 

Calculate Normalized Score using Interpolation  

After normalization, scores might not be directly on the scale that the examination uses (in CUET's case, a scale of 800). Interpolation adjusts these normalized scores to fit them onto this scale, ensuring they accurately represent the candidate's performance relative to the highest possible score. 

  • The raw score of the student is compared to the raw scores of all other test takers to produce the CUET normalized score. 
  • This raw score's percentile value is followed by the computation of a comparable normalized score. 
  • To determine the normalized score, the percentile values must be interpolated. 
  • In other words, the percentile value for the student is decided by which percentile value is closest to the student's raw score when comparing the student's raw score to the percentile values of every other student. 

Find Out: CUET Preparation Books

Factors Affecting CUET Marks 

These are the affecting factors involved in CUET marks -  

Number of Test Takers: Number of candidates taking the exam will affect the percentile distribution.  

Difficulty Level of the Paper: A tougher paper might result in lower average marks, impacting percentiles.  

Performance of Candidates: A collective high performance by a significant number of candidates can influence individual percentiles too.  

Normalization Process: If the CUET is conducted in multiple slots or sessions, a normalization process will be used to ensure fairness in percentile computation across different sessions. 

Learn More: CUET New Exam Dates

Key Takeaways

  • CUET Significance: CUET is a prestigious examination for admission to top institutions in India, and knowing your score accurately is crucial.
  • Calculating Raw Score: Calculate your raw score by using the official CUET answer key, marking correct answers as +5 and incorrect ones as -1.
  • Normalization Process: Understand that normalization ensures fairness by comparing scores from different sessions, making it possible to compete on a level playing field.
  • Percentile Scores: Percentile scores help rank your performance relative to other candidates.
  • Interpolation: Interpolation adjusts your normalized score to fit the 800-point scale, reflecting your true performance.
  • Factors Affecting CUET Marks: Keep in mind that the number of test takers, paper difficulty, overall candidate performance, and the normalization process can all impact your CUET score.

Learn More: CUET 2025 Minimum Scores for to get Admission at BHU

Frequently Asked Questions

How is CUET score calculated out of 800?

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What is the marking scheme for CUET?

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What is the purpose of normalization in CUET scoring?

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How is CUET normalization calculated?

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What is interpolation in CUET scoring?

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What factors can affect CUET marks?

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How does the number of test takers affect CUET percentiles?

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What should CUET aspirants take away from this article?

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